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Building 15 January, 2023

Do you know more about Industrial Revolution?

The term "Industrial Revolution" describes a time of rapid economic, technological, social, and cultural change that impacted humanity, comparable to the transition from hunter-gathering to farming. 

Said, machines helped change a global economy based on agricultural and manual labor into one based on industry and manufacturing.

Industrial Revolution

What Shifted in the Manufacturing and Economic Sectors

  • Factory and transportation power, as well as the ability to mine deeper, were all made possible by the development of steam power, which negated the need for both horses and water.
  • Iron production methods have advanced, producing more output and higher quality iron.
  • Improvements in machine tools facilitated the development of more and higher-quality machines.
  • The advancement of metallurgy and chemical manufacturing has far-reaching effects.
  • As a result of the development of canals and later railways, new transportation routes were established that facilitated the rapid and inexpensive transfer of goods and raw materials.
  • The emergence of modern banking was, in large part, a response to the requirements of business owners for access to capital, which in turn fueled the growth of numerous sectors.

The Roots of the Industrial Age

Economic interactions shifted after the fall of feudalism. Some more factors that led to the Industrial Revolution are:

  • A larger industrial workforce is made possible by the increased population due to reduced disease and infant mortality.
  • A larger industrial workforce was made possible because of the agricultural revolution, which liberated people from farming.
  • Considerable unused funds with which to work as an investment.
  • The development of new technologies resulted from scientific advancements and inventions.
  • For the most part, colonial-era commercial channels.
  • For the reasons stated above, Britain was the first to experience the industrial revolution.

Industrial Revolution
Marks of the Industrial Age

There were three key aspects to the Industrial Revolution: technological, social, and cultural. The following are examples of technological advancements:

  • Iron and steel are two examples of modern fundamental materials that have been put to use.
  • Coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the internal combustion engine are just a few examples of the new energy sources that have been used for fuel and motive power.
  • The development of new machines like the spinning jenny and the power loom that enabled higher output with less human effort,
  • the introduction of the factory system, a new method of organizing production that featured a more significant division of labor and specialized roles, significant advances in modes of transportation and communication, such as the steam locomotive, steamship, vehicle, aero plane, telegraph, radio, and The expanding role of science in manufacturing. 

These technological innovations allowed for a massive increase in the consumption of natural resources and the mass manufacturing of manufactured goods.

Significant repercussions of the industrial revolution:

1. The manufacturing process:

The factory system originated in the 18th and 19th centuries, growing and improving during the Industrial Revolution. It supplanted the earlier, more decentralized cottage industry, in which people made things in their own houses using only essential tools and machines.

2. The development of capitalism:

Capitalism is an economic theory that advocates for and promotes private ownership and profit-seeking management of the means of production. Capitalism flourished in Britain due to the country"s increasing political and technological dominance over its colonies. 

Those who owned factories and other means of production quickly amassed vast fortunes, which they poured back into the economy in the form of new machinery, improved production methods, and expanded production capacities.

3. The Urbanization:

One of the enduring characteristics of the Industrial Revolution was the development of large cities. Nearly eighty per cent of pre-industrial societies" populations were concentrated in rural areas when agriculture and animal husbandry were the primary means of subsistence. 

As a result of the decline in agricultural employment and the expansion of industrial jobs, vast people left the countryside for the metropolis.

4. Worker exploitation:

In the first 60 years of the Industrial Revolution, the quality of living for many skilled workers declined significantly. In pre-industrial culture, skilled weavers were a prosperous middle class. Farmers grew food, made clothes in their homes or shops, and cared for their livestock.

5. Advantages in terms of employment and economic growth:

While historians may debate on whether or not workers" salaries rose during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, most believe that, after adjusting for inflation, earnings were relatively stable from 1790 to 1840.

Industrial Revolution

Conclusions about repercussions of the industrial revolution:

A philosophical and artistic antipathy toward the new industrialization emerged alongside the Romantic movement during the Industrial Revolution. 

Romanticism admired the stability of rural communities and shuddered at the prospect of urbanization, automation, and the plight of the working classes.


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