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Manufacturing 04 February, 2023

How to achieve energy efficiency in a building?

Do you want to know how you can achieve energy efficiency in a building? How to spend less electricity and energy to save costs, while taking care of the planet? Then this article will interest you, because we are going to leave you some good advice.

So let"s get to it:

1º Reduce the use of lighting

Energy-saving lamps or low-power LED lights should be used, and lights should be turned off in spaces that are not being used. It is also recommended to install motion sensors for automatic lighting.

2º Install thermal insulation systems

With term insulation, we seek to increase energy efficiency in a building. To do this, we will seek to improve the thermal efficiency of the building by installing insulation on the ceilings, windows and walls.

energy efficiency in a building

3º Use energy efficient equipment

Equipment and appliances with the energy efficient label must be used to reduce energy consumption. This includes the use of appliances, heating equipment, cooling equipment, and lighting systems.

4º Make use of energy management, to achieve energy efficiency in a building.

Energy management systems can help identify the amount of energy being consumed in the building and offer suggestions for reducing consumption.

5º Install solar panels

A good option is to install a solar energy system to reduce electricity consumption. This can help lower your energy bill and also contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

energy efficiency in a building

How to achieve energy efficiency in a building with concrete?

Concrete is one of the most used construction materials in the world. This is due to its excellent thermal and acoustic properties, which makes it ideal for the construction of buildings with high energy performance.

The thermal insulating properties of concrete allow buildings constructed with this material to retain heat in the winter and keep the air cool in the summer, reducing the need for heating and cooling. This, in turn, reduces energy consumption and the costs associated with the use of fuels.

energy efficiency in a building

In addition, concrete is an excellent option to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. This is because the material is an excellent conductor of energy, meaning solar energy can be absorbed and stored in concrete, helping to keep buildings at a stable temperature without the need to use electricity or gas.

In conclusion, concrete is a very useful construction material to achieve energy efficiency in a building. It offers excellent thermal insulation properties and is an excellent conductor of solar energy. This reduces energy consumption and the costs associated with the use of fuels.

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