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Concrete blocks 03 August, 2023

Do you want to know more about concrete care?

You can change the paint, the interiors, but you can"t change the Concrete. So you must make sure during the construction of the building that the concrete you use is of high quality. In addition, work must be done on concrete care...

Concrete is the foundation of the walls, and if it deteriorates, the entire house can be weakened. We all build new houses and industries looking to the future, but what if the future looks worse due to poor quality concrete?

It has been said that most concrete structures have a lifespan of between 50 and 100 years, but we see it getting worse within ten years. The biggest rival of concrete is water. The water contains chemicals that not only erode the surface but also corrode the steel and therefore weaken the concrete.

So, if you want this not to happen to you and your concrete to be durable, then the best way is to take care of these five critical aspects of concrete care.

Concrete care

Five key aspects about concrete care

We are going to share five tips for concrete care, so that it is more durable against water and maintains its useful life.

1. Mix Design 

The durability of concrete depends on how strong it is. So make sure you apply it with a blend design that matches the intensity. If you know your building is prone to sulfate-contaminated soil, you can mix the concrete with an equal proportion of sulfate-resistant cement.

Research beforehand what will cause your concrete to weaken and erode and then use resistance for it. Sometimes the resistance you use may only be suitable for a few seasons. Sulfate-resistant cement is not for wet conditions, so be sure to use a concrete mix design that makes it durable and works in all situations.

2. Keep your walls clean

Many people habitually touch the walls with their oily and dirty hands. Make sure your walls are dry and clean. Oil and other chemicals not only look bad on walls, but if they transpire onto concrete, which is porous, they could erode. You can use chemical disinfectants to keep your walls clean, making this one strong and durable.

3. Correct placement of the concrete 

 A correct placement of the concrete is necessary. In order to place and solidify the Concrete into a solid mass without cavities or rock pockets, the fluidity and uniformity of the mix must be adequate.

More often, voids form under or under reinforcing steel bars, especially when multiple bars are close together. The secret to success in this situation is a commitment to sound vibration techniques. All concrete must be adequately vibrated, particularly in areas near crowded reinforcement.

4. Cover the walls with concrete

Covering concrete walls with paint will not only make them look attractive but also prevent them from staining. When doing wall cladding, be sure to sandblast. By opening the pores of the concrete, sandblasting makes it easier for the paint to adhere to the concrete and creates a strong adhesive seal.

5. Wear Together

Felt-lined spaces between concrete walls, known as expansion joints, give the slabs room to grow and expand as the seasons change.

However, if those joints are not tight, water can seep under the tiles and cause them to shift, wobble, climb and fall. Slabs can break as a result of stress.

Concrete care

Conclusions on the Concrete care

Concrete is the base of the walls, it is the binding material between the walls and the bricks. It deteriorates with time, stains and water.

If the concrete erodes, the walls can become weak. Make sure you choose the best concrete with a longer lifespan and keep these five aspects in mind when caring for Concrete.

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