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Building 18 December, 2023

Do you want to know more about sustainable construction?

Sustainable construction is a concept that aims to create buildings and infrastructure that are environmentally friendly, socially responsible and economically viable. It is about taking into account the entire life cycle of the building, from its design to its demolition, while ensuring that its impact on the environment is minimized.

On the environmental side, this includes the use of recycled or renewable materials, the reduction of energy and water consumption, the management of construction waste and the preservation of biodiversity on site. Sustainable buildings can also be designed to maximize the use of natural light, improve indoor air quality, and create outdoor spaces that support the health and well-being of occupants.

At a social level, sustainable construction involves taking into account the needs of local communities and promoting social inclusion. This could mean creating local jobs, involving residents and stakeholders in building design, or promoting universal access for people with disabilities.

sustainable construction

4 tips for sustainable construction

  1. Use sustainable materials: choose sustainable and environmentally friendly construction materials, such as wood from responsibly managed forests, recycled materials and low CO2 emissions, avoiding others that are toxic or difficult to recycle.
  2. Design an energy-efficient envelope: An energy-efficient building envelope using high-performance insulation, double-glazed windows and airtight construction materials. This will reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling.
  3. Use renewable energy sources: Integrate renewable energy systems into your building design, such as solar panels for electricity generation or geothermal systems for heating and cooling.
  4. Maximize water use efficiency: install rainwater collection and filtration systems, water-efficient toilets, and efficient irrigation devices to minimize drinking water consumption. Also, use local plants that require less water for gardening.

sustainable construction

Conclusions on sustainable construction

Finally, sustainable construction must also be economically viable. This means that initial construction costs may be higher, but are offset in the long term by energy and maintenance savings. Sustainable buildings can also be considered long-term investments because they tend to maintain their value and be more attractive to potential tenants and buyers.

To promote sustainable construction, many countries have implemented environmental regulations and certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certifications. These certifications make it possible to evaluate a building"s environmental performance and encourage builders to adopt sustainable practices.


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