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Concrete blocks 26 July, 2022

Have you ever wondered how concrete blocks handles a ton of weight over it? 

To make a house or a building, nowadays concrete blocks are the most preferable construction material over bricks. It uses lesser effort, and less time to set and yet provides better strength to the buildings and houses than the bricks. 

These concrete blocks are made to suffer a lot of compressions because when a block is placed anywhere in a project it faces a lot of compression from the other blocks over it. 

Concrete blocks

So the question is how a block gets its compression power and strength to such a massive building? Let"s find out. 

Raw materials

Perfect selection of materials is very important in block making. The raw materials for blocks are selected based on what quality will they provide to the block such as fine texture, compressive strength, hardness, etc. 

Moreover, the good quality of every raw material is also very necessary in order to get the best-finished product. 

Kinds of concrete blocks

  • However, many different compositions are used to make different kinds of concrete blocks with their unique ability. The most commonly used block is made up of a composition containing finely powdered portland cement, fine sand, and gravel which is mixed up with water. 

The result of this composition gives a light greyish colored block. These blocks are the most common blocks which you may get to see on the construction site near you (We offer color dosing and blending systems both for powdered dyes and granules to achieve a colour-degraded effect in the products and available for all our range of machine models).

  • However, another popular composition for making concrete blocks contains granulated coal or volcanic cinders. These blocks appear black in color and weigh less than the grey concrete blocks. These are commonly known as Cinder Blocks. Apart from the lesser weight, these blocks also provide better heat insulation than the regular bricks. 
  • Another variation of concrete blocks, called Lightweight blocks is made up of cement, clay, and slate. These blocks weigh around 10 to 13 kg. Since there is no use of gravel and sand in the making of these blocks, the result weighs a lot less than the grey blocks. 
  • However, there is another process that gets added in the making of these blocks where the clay and slate are puffed at a high temperature before mixing with the cement.

Concrete blocks

Making Of Concrete Blocks

One of the most important points in the making of concrete blocks is to ensure the right proportions of raw materials and chemicals to be used. Moreover, after the dry mixing of the raw materials in a huge mixing machine, a professional starts to add water. 

  1. The right amount of water is very important in the process as the end mixture should not be very liquid.
  2. After that, the concrete mixture is poured into the molds made for the casting of concrete blocks.
  3. The molds also have a hollow design to fill the concrete mixture in the hollow space during construction. This hollow space helps to stack the block on top of other blocks precisely. 
  4. After filling the molds, the molds are left to get dry and hard. After that, the blocks are stacked on a moving rack and sent to the curing kilns. 
  5. Here, the blocks are cured in a closed room with a temperature of almost 85° celsius. This whole process of curing the blocks takes up to 24 hours. 

You need a concrete blocks machine

Concrete blocks

Quality control team

Now, the quality control team inspects the sample from every batch of the concrete block and after passing the quality control the blocks are finally stacked and packed to go to the construction sites. 

Why pick a concrete block over the traditional bricks?

In short, a concrete block has more strength as compared to a normal brick. Moreover, it takes less effort to make a concrete block due to its simpler design in comparison to a normal brick. 

Also, the compressive power of a concrete brick is very high and there is very little wastage of raw materials while making these blocks. Lastly, concrete bricks have higher insulation which makes them better than normal bricks.

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