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Concrete blocks 14 June, 2024

Want to know more about the key factors to consider when choosing concrete finishes?

In the construction sector, concrete is a highly specialized material. The correct amounts of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water are mixed to create concrete. Once poured, one of the most critical steps is the concrete finishing process, which creates a smooth, aesthetically pleasing surface. Concrete Finishes surfaces involves compacting, levelling and smoothing the material.

Screeds and trowels are used to produce the simplest types of concrete finishes. A working straightedge is used to smooth the surface when concrete has been poured into molds.

concrete finishes

Different Concrete Coatings

In light of your new familiarity with the fundamentals of concrete finishing, let's examine the different techniques available to put them into practice. In this way, we describe the main concrete finishes below:

1. Broom Finish

This is the most popular finishing option for sidewalks. Concrete is poured over the area and smoothed with a broom to create this finish. For exterior concrete surfaces, it is an economical solution that offers a new aesthetic variety. Brooms with thicker bristles produce deeper, more noticeable results. However, tiny strands are the way to go for a sleek and put-together look.

2. Stamped Concrete Finishes

Concrete can be stamped to create a unique and attractive look. Unlike its usual flat appearance, the concrete surface has been sculpted to take on a new shape.

Concrete can take the form of various materials, including tiles, bricks, slate, wood, and even granite. The effect can be amplified by mixing more colors. This is often done to improve the aesthetics of sidewalks and patios. Compared to the broom finish, this one is more expensive, but it is worth it.

3. Stenciled concrete

Unlike stamped concrete, it is pressed into shapes by placing rolls of stamped paper. Bricks, tiles or pavers can be used for designs. The concrete is given the appearance of mortar by stenciling, it is easier to produce.

4. Concrete finishes with trowel and trowel

Once the concrete has set, the screed is poured on top and smoothed with a trowel. The procedure produces a distinctive design. You can choose between a smooth and a swirled surface.

This type of concrete finish is the most popular option among clients who want a simple appearance. A trowel finish can be used both indoors and outdoors. The great resistance to abrasion, resistance to weather and humidity, and their impermeability make them perfect.

5. Exposed aggregate

The aggregates used to create the concrete are completely displayed in an exposed aggregate finish, they are selected for their aesthetic qualities. You can wipe off the top layer if you want a more pronounced exposed finish.

Aggregates can be anything from seashells and colored glass to beautiful stones and granite. Although it offers a non-slip surface, the exposed aggregate finish is also aesthetically pleasing.

6. Polished concrete

Concrete can be polished to achieve a shiny, newly installed appearance that requires little maintenance. We use diamond abrasive concrete grinders to achieve a smooth finish.

The finish can be smooth or rough, depending on the abrasives used. Additionally, chemical hardeners can be used to seal the concrete and prevent water seepage.

concrete finishes

Conclusions on the key factors to consider when choosing concrete finishes

For several decades, concrete has proven to be a reference construction material due to its reliability and versatility. It is popular because it can withstand the elements indoors and outdoors.

However, the decorative potential of concrete is substantial. Concrete's wide variety of aesthetic alternatives makes it a versatile material that can be used for various structural, architectural and ornamental purposes without ruining or offending the eye.

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