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Manufacturing 06 May, 2022

Do you want to know how you can bet on energy efficiency in construction?

At Poyatos we want to help our readers and make their professional work easier. That"s why. we have I thought it would be interesting to make this article with practical tips to bet on energy efficiency in construction.

And it is that, more and more, it is betting on energy efficiency solutions in construction. Not only for saving costs on monthly electricity bills, but also for becoming a entity that respects the environment.

Energy efficiency in construction

A way to improve the public reputation of your company, thanks to making use of more ecological. All this because we are increasingly aware of the damage and dangers caused by climate change. Thus, we believe that with these 4 practical tips, you can start to do your bit:

1. Install building insulation

Buildings in colder climates can benefit from insulation, an effective energy-saving technique Energy.

And it is that the walls and ceilings become the main sources of heat loss in any ownership, and the insulation helps retain them longer. When the heat and cold dissipate, your Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning needs to work harder, so it uses more electricity. As a result, you will probably have to expend more energy to heat the water.

In this way, with good insulation, greater energy efficiency is achieved in construction. Here, it can be said that concrete blocks are very good allies when it comes to achieving this Point.

2. Avoid air leaks

Experts agree that buildings must have a low level of air leakage to be efficient, comfortable and durable. The need for greater energy efficiency in construction is causing hermeticity to become an indisputable characteristic.

Airtightness can only be achieved if design details are considered from the outset. During the construction of the building, this design must be implemented in all facilities, from doors to windows, going through all the entrances. Thus, all must be carefully sealed and maintain the continuity of the air barrier.

Thus, managing to avoid air leaks, we will be able to eliminate the entry of cold air from outside into the House. 

Energy efficiency in construction

3. Control energy consumption

An effective way to increase energy efficiency in construction building is to monitor its energy consumption in the whole process. Follow an established plan and with marked guidelines.

4. Energy efficiency in construction: renewable energies

Renewable energies can become great allies at this point. solar panels, aerothermal, geothermal, etc. can help us achieve greater energy efficiency in the construction.

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